A rare and unusually attractive solidus of Gratian
Los 1807
Gratian, 367-383. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.44 g, 1 h), Constantinopolis, August-September 367. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Gratian to right. Rev. PRINCIPIVM IVVENTVTIS / ✱CONS(wreath) Gratian, as prince of the youth, standing front in military attire, head nimbate and turned to right, holding inverted spear in his right hand and globe in his left. Depeyrot 21/3. RIC 24. Rare and unusually attractive for the issue. A lovely example with a fine portrait of the juvenile emperor. Extremely fine.

From the collection of a retired senior air force officer, ex Gorny & Mosch 211, 4 March 2013, 715.

This is the earliest issue in the name of Gratian, the son of Valentinian I, who was appointed to the rank of Augustus on 24 August 367 at the age of just eight years and without ever having been Caesar. The reason for this hastiness was that the emperor had fallen ill with a severe sickness in early 367 and temporarily feared for his life. Fortunately, Valentinian eventually recovered and Gratian received the best education by the poet and rhetor Ausonius, who was given the task of preparing the young prince for his future role as the Roman emperor.
2000 CHF
1600 CHF
3600 CHF
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